Settukkunnu is two kilometers up 6th Mile, which itself is about 12 kilometers of quiet drive from my place. This place has always had lots of plants and shrewd shrubs besides coffee, and has always been non-hesitant when it comes to flowering.
The coffee plants, upon the arrival of an unexpected rain in February, blossom, as if they had been waiting impatiently for its arrival, like ladies married to soldiers, and usually flower into shameless garlands on any time on the drooping branches of those exorbitant coffee plants.
And even the seeds, half dead and rotten from longing, will stay back and push the thriving fruits forward and gleefully exhibit the triumph of nature, on night over shadows, love over loss and longing over lust.
One day I shall take you there, to my garden,
And we shall smell the fruits,
Touch the pollens and caress the petals
Until you fall asleep on the lap of an evergreen tamarind tree, my dear...