I had to wake up at 5.30 yesterday to attend to a patient who had come from the plantations. After disposing him off, I tried to sleep but after a few futile attempts, I got up to turn the water heater on. The watch showed 20 minutes past 6, but there still was night outside the window. Through the gap for the ventillation fan, something unusual sneaked in, without asking me. It was damp and was shivering from the cold of the night,that came in in a hurry, leaving me bemused about the complex ways of the Nature.
7.00 am:
I was angry. I didnt like the way it brushed past me. Then I thought, may be the wind, that came along, had touched my neck with its cold fingers, not the silent intruder. I was uneasy initially, but as the water had steamed up, I went to take a hot shower.
7.40 am:
For quite some time after bath, I forgot about my guest. While drying up before the mirror in a First-block-mens'-hostel way, I was completely absorbed in the song Mann Mohanaa from Jodhaa Akbar. Bela Shende, in her enchanting voice, was singing like a Gopika who had been longing for Krishn to appear before her, to embrace her in an eternal dance.
8.30 am:
After break-fast, before getting into the OPD, suddenly the thought that I had locked the visitor in, flashed to my mind. It will be long, if I start seeing patients, to go back to the room and speak with it, so I hurried back to the room, where I heard whisperings coming out through the key hole, and thought that my guest has gone mad at me.
9.10 am:
But for my surprise, he had invited more firends to join and they were dancing in my room as if they were drunk, running from walls to the ceiling and bombarding on the mirror and the chimes hung on the door, giggling and burping all the way, in between their mischievous smiles.
10.15 am:
It's been high mroning and they still were in my room, and his friends had gone to all the houses in the town, from where they were reluctant to part for a long time.I felt happy for them and for myself and for all the people around me.
Then the Sun got angry at around 11 am and brushed them off in a single stroke, to scorch the land in Vythiri hot and humid...